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Explore the common causes of flower abortion and premature fruit drop

Published Mar 19, 2023

Explore the common causes of flower abortion and premature fruit drop

Flower abortion and premature fruit drop are two common problems that gardeners and farmers face when growing plants. These issues can result in a lower yield and a decrease in crop quality. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of flower abortion and premature fruit drop and provide solutions to prevent or minimize their occurrence.

What is Flower Abortion?
Flower abortion is the process where a plant’s flower fails to develop into a fruit. This can occur at any stage of flower development, from the bud stage to the mature flower stage. 

flower abortion.jpg
Flower abortion


What is Premature Fruit Drop? 

This is the process where a plant’s fruit falls off before it is fully matured. This can occur at any stage of fruit development, from the small fruit stage to the mature fruit stage.

fruit drop.jpg
Premature fruit drop


The causes of the two can vary from plant species to species, but some common reasons include:

  1. Boron deficiency:

Boron deficiency is the most widespread micronutrient deficiency worldwide and causes large losses in crop production and quality. It affects the vegetative and reproductive growth of plants, resulting in inhibition of cell expansion, death of meristem, and reduced fertility. Symptoms include dying growing tips and bushy, stunted growth; extreme cases may prevent fruit set, resulting in flower abortion. 

Foliar fertilizer that can help to supply boron may include:

- Borex 14 liquid Foliar Fertilizer

A basal fertilizer with boron may include:


   2. Pests and diseases:

Gardeners and farmers should monitor their plants regularly for signs of pest or disease damage. Early detection and treatment can minimise loss of flowers and premature fruits.

High pests pressure such as thrips and bugs, which can attack flowers, can cause flower abortion or poor and unmarketable fruits. Apply relevant insecticides frequently such as:

-Thunder 145OD

-Dynamec 018EC

Fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and botrytis also lead to the loss of flowers and premature fruits.

Fungicides that can be used may include:

-Score 250EC 

-Ortiva 250SC 

-Top Guard 500SC

   3. Abiotic factors:

Abiotic factors refer to all the non-living components like physical conditions (temperature, pH, humidity, salinity, sunlight, etc.) and chemical agents (different gases and mineral nutrients present in the air, water, soil, etc.) in an ecosystem. Some of the abiotic components that may lead to flower abortion and/or premature fruit drop may include:

-Environmental factors such as high temperatures, low humidity, and lack of water can cause flower abortion. Ensure adequate supply of water especially during production stages to minimise losses. In extreme heat conditions, shade nets may be used to guard your plants against high temperatures.
-General nutrient deficiency: Plants require a balance of nutrients to develop properly. Underfeeding your crops at any stage may affect your farm produce.

-Obtaining an optimal soil pH range of about 5.5-6.5 can help increase key nutrient availability to your crops hence reducing instances of flower and fruit loss.

Applying relevant hormones may help induce flowering and also help to prevent or minimize these two problems, which also comes in handy in helping shield your crops from most of these abiotic stress. Examples may include:

 Anatone hormone 

   4. Biotic factors:

The biotic factors refer to all the living beings present in an ecosystem. Some of the important components may include:

-Pollination failure: In some cases, lack of or poor pollination can result in flower abortion. This can occur due to a lack of pollinators, such as bees or butterflies, or because the plant has not produced enough viable pollen. To ensure that plants are adequately pollinated, gardeners can introduce pollinators or hand-pollinate the plants themselves. Avoid spraying pesticides that are highly hazardous to bees, especially during flowering stages (read product level)

-Improper handling of plants while performing cultural activities such as staking and weeding may also result in flower and fruit drop

-Overcrowding can cause plants to compete for nutrients, water, and sunlight. This can result in premature flower and fruit drop. Correct spacing, pruning and thinning plants can help prevent overcrowding and reduce competition for resources. This can help prevent flower abortion and premature fruit drop.

In conclusion, flower abortion and premature fruit drop can be frustrating for gardeners and farmers. However, by understanding the causes and taking preventative measures, such as providing optimal growing conditions, ensuring proper pollination, providing adequate nutrition, managing pests and diseases, correct spacing of plants, and pruning and thinning, gardeners can prevent or minimize these issues and achieve a healthy and bountiful harvest.