Active ingredient:
Pirimphos-methyl 500g/l (49.02% w/w)
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
WHO Class II
ACTELLIC 50EC contains pirimophos-methyl, an organo-phosphorus compound, which kills insects by
contact, ingestion and fumigant action. Pirimophos-methyl as acetlcholinesterase inhibitor, causing
malfunction of the nervous system.
ACTELLIC 50EC controls the following pests of stored grain: Saw-toothed Grain Beetle (Oryzaephi/us
surinamensis), Grain Weevil (Sitophi/us granarius), Common Flour Mite (Acarus siro), Warehouse Moth
(Ephestia elute/la), Flour or Mill Moth (Ephestia kuhniella), Flour Beetles (Tribolium spp.), Rust-red
Grain Beetle (Cryptolestes ferrugineus) and Cosmopolitan Food Mite (Glycyphagus destructor).
(a) Applied in stores as pre-treatment
Applied on walls, floors and equipment in stores.
Best applied in an empty store.
Use 200ml of ACTELLIC 50EC per 100m2 in 20 liters of water
(b) For admixture treatment, Apply ACTELLIC 50EC at 8 - 10ml in 1 Lt water/1000kg grain.
Spray using a suitable nozzle as the grain is fed into the bins.
Crops/ situations Maximum individual dose Remarks
Admixture: stored 8 ml producUtonne grain. One application per batch of grain. The
maximum concentration must not exceed 8 ml
wheat, barley and product in 0.75 litres water.
Spray 1 00M2 surface (Wet to run-off point).
Floors/walls 200ml (20L of water) Spray the ground surrounding the store.
Ventilate the store before re-entry.
• Fogging add 25ml white oil or colourless kerosene and apply as fog to treat 500m3 of air space.
• Warehouse and household control of cockroaches.
• Mosquito larviciding- control of mosquito larvae.
Target pest Actellic Actellic/L of spray Dilution Amount of spray
/situation SOEC/area Diluent solution ratio solution per unit
area applied.
Residual Malaria 2-4ml/M2 Water 50-100ml+10 1 +20-1 Apply spray
mosquitoes solution at a rate
Flies and nuisance 1ml/M2 Water 1+40 of 40ml per M2 of
mosquitoes indoors 25ml surface
Flies: Long persistence 2-4ml/M2 Water 50-100ml+10 1 +20-1
Outdoors cockroaches 2-4ml/M2 Water 50-100ml (Low dose 1 +10/1+20
for low infestation,
high rate for higher
Space treatment 200ml/Ha Kerosene
mosquitoes /diesel 100ml 1+10 2UHa
Thermal fog hand held 200ml/Ha Kerosene 40ml
vehicle mounted /diesel 1+25 5UHa
Cold aerosol ULV 200ml/Ha Kerosene oround /diesel 400ml 1+15 0.5UHa
Aerial 400ml/Ha Kerosene
200ml 1+4 2UHa
Mosuito larvicide: 100ml/Ha Water 1ml 1+100 100L/Ha Sho persistence/
shallow water.
Long persistence/ deep 100ml/Ha water Water 10ml 1+1000 100L/Ha
• Has wide spectrum of activity against insect pests in stored grain and in public spaces
against mosquitos and cockroaches.
• Has fumigant action besides being a stomach and contact poison.
• Has very low mammalian toxicity and is environmentally friendly
• Actellic 50 EC doesn't taint nor stain sprayed surfaces- therefore suitable for clean-up
sprays in public spaces and grain storage.
WARRANTY: Seller's guarantee is limited to the terms set out on the label and subject thereto, the
buyer assumes the risk to persons or property arising from the handling of this product and accepts
the product on that condition.
0 out of 5 stars
0 reviewsKsh 9,500.00Ksh 8,100.00
ACTELLIC 50EC is a persistent, broad spectrum insecticide for the control of a wide range of insect pests in stored grain.
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