Gramoxone ® 1L
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0 reviewsKsh 1,892.00Ksh 1,790.00
A non-selective fast acting contact herbicide for control of grass and other weeds. It kills all green vegetation in coffee, bananas, citrus, sugarcane and inter-rows of maize, cotton and other inter-row crops.
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Product Description
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Paraquat (200g/l)
Gramoxone kills all green vegetation by contact action. It does not affect the brown mature bark of trees. Gramoxone is activated by bright sunlight and is rainfast in 10 minutes. All grasses and broad leaved weeds are affected to a greater or lesser extent. Gramoxone is inactivated on contact with soil and cannot be taken up by the roots of crops. New crops can be safely planted 4 hours after spraying.
For weed control in coffee, tea, maize, sugar cane, citrus, vegetable crops and also in no-tillage and minimal tillage. II kills all annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds, higher rates being required at the later growth stage, although some older plants such as conyza spp. and Bidens pilosa become tolerant. Gramoxone dessicates the above-ground foliage of perennials. Nut grass (Cyperus spp.) are most susceptible at the flowering stage.
Mix required quantity with clear water (avoid muddy water) and spray at low pressure setting (1 kg/,using flat fan nozzle to avoid drift onto green parts of crops. Do not use GRAMOXONE in a mistblower. With knapsack sprayers mix at least 100 parts of water with each 1 part of GRAMOXONE. For best results spray weeds when they are young and below 15cm high using a flat fan or flood jet nozzle at low pressure (1 atmosphere). Hold sprayer nozzle at just below knee height (40 cm) and direct spray forward and away from feel. Make sure you use a continuously pumped knapsack like the CP3 or CP15. Do not use a leaking sprayer.
Note: Gramoxone is used only in inter-row weeding & not overhead.
APPLY 1.5 - 3.0 Litres per hectare in 250 - 500 litres of water (100 mis per 20 litres). Use lower rate on young weeds.
USE 1.5 - 3.0 litres per hectare in 400 litres of water (100 - 200mls per 20 litres). For best weed control and to avoid crop damage spray when weeds are young. If the spray gets into contact with base of crops, browning will occur but there will be no lasting damage to the crop or yield. Use a spray shield on young susceptible crops. CEREALS, MAIZE - MINIMAL CULTIVATION PRE-DRILLING
APPLY 2 - 3 litres in 250 - 500 litres of water.
DRILLING can take place immediately after spraying.
USE 1 - 2 litres in 250 - 500 litres of water, IMMEDIATELY PRIOR to emergence of young cereals, maize plants.
To maintain the efficacy and uptake of GRAMOXONE at rates below 2 litres per hectare add 50ml 'AGRAL'90 per 100 litres of water (10 mis per 20 litres). Use only non-ionic wetters with GRAMOXONE e.g. 'Agral' 90
Usually it does not require a companion product but when residual activity is required may be tank mixed
with diuron, simazine, metribuzin, atrazine and MCPA. II has also been found to be cost effective when
mixed with 2,4 - D amine.
• A wide spectrum of susceptible weeds - making ii appropriate for use in almost every crop.
• Inactivation on contact with soil - eliminating any possibility of uptake of chemical by crop roots or contamination of surface or ground waters.
• Inability to penetrate through brown bark into trees and shrubs - enabling weeds growing close to crop stems and trunks to be sprayed and killed without damage to the crop.
• Rainfastness - Gramoxone is absorbed on to foliage rapidly after spraying, so that rain falling even 15 minutes after application does not prevent weed kill.
• Speed of action - the first signs of the effect of Gramoxone on weeds can be seen within hours of spraying, thus enabling the efficiency of the spraying operation to be assessed. Weeds are killed in 2 to 4 days, thus rapidly removing competition with the crop for water, nutrients and light.
• Easy mixing - Gramoxone is formulated as a liquid which is easily diluted with water for spraying, and is compatible and mixes easily with residual or hormone herbicides if necessary.
• Lack of volatility - Gramoxone is not volatile and so presents no risk to crops from drifting vapour.