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Hysun 33 Sunflower 1Kg

Hysun 33 Sunflower 1Kg

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Ksh 2,600.00Ksh 2,400.00

Hybrid sunflower seed. Black with grey marginal and lateral stripes.

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Product Description

Seed Rate: 2-3 Kg/acre 
Maturity: 105-115 days
Potential Yield: over 1,200kg/acre
Oil Content: 45-48%
Grain Color: Black with grey marginal and lateral stripes.

Drought Torelant: Torelant

Oil type: Linoleic


Row to row: 60-75cm, Plant to Plant:30cm

Planting depth at 2-3cm deep. 

Manures and fertilizer: Apply 10MT of well-decomposed manure 15-20 days before planting. Apply 50Kg DAP at planting followed by 25Kg Urea or CAN  30 days after planting (per acre). Apply 20Kg Sulphur per acre to improve oil content.

Critical Crop Stages: Bud initiation, flower opening and seed filling stages are critical crop stages, Adequate soil moisture during these stages ensures high yield.

Harvesting: The ideal stage for harvest is when the back of the head turns lemon yellow

Oil Content: Hysun 33 has a very high oil content of 45-48%. The grains are black in colour with grey stripes. The  seed coat is light/thin, hence high shelling(low wastage) and easy for crushing.

Yield: The yield potential ranges from 800-1200Kg per acre depending on the crop management and weather.

However, sunflower can grow in a wide range of fertile soil types: sandy loam to clays with pH value ranging from 6 to 7.5

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