The multistorey gardens are constructed using HPDE materials with a thickness of 0.5 - 1mm which are cut into different sizes and fastened using bolts and nuts at the ends to form circular rings with a diameter of 4ft and 6ft.
These rings reduces in sizes by 2-4 inches upwards to make layers of stakes with a wider base and a narrow top forming a pyramid -shaped structure with terraces.
The material used have a longer lifespan of over 10 years as they are ultra-heat treated as compared with total the multi-storey gardens have six layers which can also be added to make them 8 layers each with terraces filled with soil while the top ring holds the top soil.
The soil used should be mixed with the less acidic fine goat manure on a 1:1 ration which is done all round the terraces .
One such structure occupies a space of 4 sqft to 6 sqft and it can accommodate between 120-130 plants on a six inches spacing depending on the type of vegetable and fruit planted.
Density 0.8-1mm
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0 reviewsKsh 2,300.00Ksh 2,000.00
The multistorey garden farming technology made of HPDE which allows smooth flow of water downwards and can last for over 10 years.
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