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Neemazal 1L

Neemazal 1L

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Ksh 12,450.00Ksh 11,900.00

NeemAzal 1.2 EC is a Neem-Oil based insecticide containing Azadirachtin12,000ppm as the active ingredient for the control of thrips on roses; aphids, whiteflies and thrips on french beans and aphids, whiteflies, leafminers and spidermites on tomatoes.

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Product Description

Mode of Action:

Control of different orders of insects or insects in different phases of theirlife cycle is due to the complex­ ity of the azadirachtin molecule and the many modes of action inherent in azadirachtin.


Insects feed less or not at all on treated plantsFoliage is not damagedand insects ultimately

starve to death.

Insect Growth Regulator (IGR)

Insects fail to mature and reproduce,  eliminating populations over timeAzadirachtin, is an insect growth regulator (IGR) which mimics the pests hormones and disrupts distinct stages of growth and development of insects and mites.


Insects donot lay eggs on treated plantsThe likelihood of insect infestation is greatly decreased in treated plants.This adds a preventive aspect to your insect control.


Insects do not prefer treated plants.








Thrips, aphids


1.5 litre/ha (30mlin 20ltof water)

0 Days

French beans

Whiteflies, thrips &aphids

l.5litre/ha (30mlin 20ltowater)

0 Days





l.5litre/h(30mlin 20ltof water)


O Days

Re-entry interval on roses: 4 hrs or after spray hadried.

PHI: Zero (0) days


NB.Apply at first sign of insect pest infestation and repeat as neces­ sary. 5-6 sprays at intervals of 15 days are recommendedThe frequency can be increased or decreased depending on pest infesta­ tion and crop canopy. It is worth noting that NeemAzal 1.2 EC is also recommended as part of an Integrated Pest management (IPM) programme to reduce risk of resistance development. It can be alternated with other insecticides and nematicides.



Measure the required quantity ofNeemAzal and pour into the spray pump.

Add the required amount of water and stir with a woodenstick or rod to get a good emulsion.

NB. Add water to NeemAzal,not NeemAzal to water.

Use the emulsionas direct spray on the crops.


Low Volume or Ultra - Low volume Sprayers: Thorough and complete coverage is essential for good efficacy

Aerial Application: May be applied using suitable equipment such as fixed-wing aircraft or helicopter.

NeemAzal 1.2E.C can be applied as directed to any food or non-food crop up to and including the day of harvest at maxi­ mum rate of 20gm active ingredient per acre per application.

Product use recommendations

For use on Indoor and Outdoor Vegetables, Ornamentals, FlowersInteriorscapesContainer Grown PlantsTreesFruitsHerbsHome and Garden Plants.

  • Forbest results, spray early as soon as pest activity is noted
  • Broad pH range of4.5 to 7.5 for spray solution for foliar uses (preferred pH 5.0 to 7.0)
  • Foliar sprays must thoroughly cover upper & lower leaf surfaces
  • Apply every 7 - 14 days intervalor in programs
  • Short interval repeat applications are necessary for scales & mealy bugs
  • Apply at least 2- 3 applications to see good reduction in pest population
  • Target immature pest stages (IGR & antifeedant to immatures and antifeed and to adults)
  • Compatible with all plant nutrients, but a check before use is advisable
  • Can be applied with other pesticide products as per label directions