Specially made for control and elimination of bedbugs, ants, fleas, and cockroaches in domestic and commercial premises. A public health insecticide with active ingredient Propoxur 20% W/V. Very effective for coping with, and prevention of various pest infestation.
Propoxur 20% W/V
A carbamate non-systemic insecticide with a faint odor. It is toxic and kills pests through contact or ingestion. It hinders the production and action of cholinesterase which is an enzyme essential to an insects’ nervous system. This results in paralysis and the eventual death of the insect.
Add half a liter of Promax 20EC into 20 liters of water (25ml per 1 litre of water). Stir to mix well and carefully apply or spray on infected surfaces.
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0 reviewsKsh 6,350.00Ksh 6,000.00
Promax 20 EC is specifically designed for use as a public health insecticide and used to kill cockroaches, control of bedbugs, houseflies, ants, fleas and other crawling insects at homes and businesses.
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