Twigamethalin is absorbed through the roots of weeds as they germinate/emerge and the leaves of weeds that are already present. The affected plants die shortly after germination or following emergence from the soil. It works by inhibiting cell division and cell elongation.
Active Ingredient
Pendimethalin 500g/l
Application Rate
Use 3.0 - 3.5 L/ha (300-350ml/ 20 litres of water)
- Twigamethalin kills many weeds shortly after germination or just after emergence thus significantly reduces competition for growth resources between the crop and weeds and the crop can realize its full biological yield potential.
- Being a residual herbicide, Twigamethalin ensures better control of weeds even several days after the application is done.
- Crop tolerance-Twigamethalin is not phytotoxic when used as recommended and at this rates, it is tolerated
by the crop.
- Broad spectrum kills both grass and broad-leafed weeds in one application
- Ideal for pre-emergence weeds control.
0 out of 5 stars
0 reviewsKsh 2,500.00Ksh 2,100.00
A broad-spectrum selective and systemic pre-emergence residual herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds in wheat and barley.
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